Ionic4项目中我们可以使用Ionic4日期组件ion-picker对项目进行布局。 ion-picker官方文档地址: Picker is a dialog that displays a row of buttons and columns underneath. It appears on top of the app's content, and at the bottom of the viewport.
ion-picker 属性(Properties)
animated | |
Description | If |
Attribute | animated |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
backdropDismiss | |
Description | If |
Attribute | backdrop-dismiss |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
buttons | |
Description | Array of buttons to be displayed at the top of the picker. |
Type | PickerButton[] |
Default | [] |
columns | |
Description | Array of columns to be displayed in the picker. |
Type | PickerColumn[] |
Default | [] |
cssClass | |
Description | Additional classes to apply for custom CSS. If multiple classes are provided they should be separated by spaces. |
Attribute | css-class |
Type | string | string[] | undefined |
duration | |
Description | Number of milliseconds to wait before dismissing the picker. |
Attribute | duration |
Type | number |
Default | 0 |
enterAnimation | |
Description | Animation to use when the picker is presented. |
Type | ((Animation: Animation, baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Promise |
keyboardClose | |
Description | If |
Attribute | keyboard-close |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
leaveAnimation | |
Description | Animation to use when the picker is dismissed. |
Type | ((Animation: Animation, baseEl: any, opts?: any) => Promise |
mode | |
Description | The mode determines which platform styles to use. |
Attribute | mode |
Type | "ios" | "md" |
showBackdrop | |
Description | If |
Attribute | show-backdrop |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
ion-picker 事件(Events)
Name | Description |
ionPickerDidDismiss | Emitted after the picker has dismissed. |
ionPickerDidPresent | Emitted after the picker has presented. |
ionPickerWillDismiss | Emitted before the picker has dismissed. |
ionPickerWillPresent | Emitted before the picker has presented. |
ion-picker 内置方法(Methods)
dismiss | |
Description | Dismiss the picker overlay after it has been presented. |
Signature | dismiss(data?: any, role?: string | undefined) => Promise |
getColumn | |
Description | Get the column that matches the specified name. |
Signature | getColumn(name: string) => Promise |
onDidDismiss | |
Description | Returns a promise that resolves when the picker did dismiss. |
Signature | onDidDismiss() => Promise |
onWillDismiss | |
Description | Returns a promise that resolves when the picker will dismiss. |
Signature | onWillDismiss() => Promise |
present | |
Description | Present the picker overlay after it has been created. |
Signature | present() => Promise |
ion-picker中的CSS 自定义属性
Name | Description |
--background | Background of the picker |
--background-rgb | Background of the picker in rgb format |
--border-color | Border color of the picker |
--border-radius | Border radius of the picker |
--border-style | Border style of the picker |
--border-width | Border width of the picker |
--height | Height of the picker |
--max-height | Maximum height of the picker |
--max-width | Maximum width of the picker |
--min-height | Minimum height of the picker |
--min-width | Minimum width of the picker |
--width | Width of the picker |