
Ionic实战视频教程(跨平台): https://www.itying.com/goods-1067.html

Flutter实战视频教程(跨平台): https://www.itying.com/goods-1176.html

Mobile Accessibility


This plugin exposes information on the status of various accessibility features of mobile operating systems, including, for example, whether a screen reader is running, invert colors is enabled, and the preferred scaling for text. It also allows an application to send a string to be spoken by the screen reader, or a command to stop the screen reader from speaking.



If you're building a serious project, you can't afford to spend hours troubleshooting. Ionic's experts offer official maintenance, support, and integration help.

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Ionic Mobile Accessibility插件的安装(Installation)

ionic cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-mobile-accessibility npm install @ionic-native/mobile-accessibility
Ionic EE comes with fully supported and maintained plugins from the Ionic Team. Learn More or Contact Us
ionic enterprise register --key=YOURPRODUCTKEY npm install @ionic-enterprise/mobile-accessibility

Ionic Mobile Accessibility插件支持的平台(Supported Platforms)

  • Android Fire OS
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows

Ionic Mobile Accessibility插件的用法(Usage)

import { MobileAccessibility } from '@ionic-native/mobile-ccessibility/ngx';

constructor(private mobileAccessibility: MobileAccessibility) { }

