QR Scanner
A fast, energy efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner for Cordova apps.
Requires Cordova plugin: cordova-plugin-qrscanner
. For more info, please see the QR Scanner plugin docs.

If you're building a serious project, you can't afford to spend hours troubleshooting. Ionic's experts offer official maintenance, support, and integration help.
Ionic 扫码 QR Scanner插件的安装(Installation)
Ionic EE comes with fully supported and maintained plugins from the Ionic Team. Learn More or Contact Us
Ionic 扫码 QR Scanner插件支持的平台(Supported Platforms)
- Android
- Browser
- iOS
- Windows
Ionic 扫码 QR Scanner插件的用法(Usage)
import { QRScanner, QRScannerStatus } from '@ionic-native/qr-scanner/ngx';
constructor(private qrScanner: QRScanner) { }
// Optionally request the permission early
.then((status: QRScannerStatus) => {
if (status.authorized) {
// camera permission was granted
// start scanning
let scanSub = this.qrScanner.scan().subscribe((text: string) => {
console.log('Scanned something', text);
this.qrScanner.hide(); // hide camera preview
scanSub.unsubscribe(); // stop scanning
} else if (status.denied) {
// camera permission was permanently denied
// you must use QRScanner.openSettings() method to guide the user to the settings page
// then they can grant the permission from there
} else {
// permission was denied, but not permanently. You can ask for permission again at a later time.
.catch((e: any) => console.log('Error is', e));